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Wedding invitations can be a bit tricky to word, particularly if you’re hosting an adults-only event. It’s important to make sure that your invitation conveys the right message, while still being polite, cordial, and inviting. In this article, we’ll go over some tips and tricks for creating the perfect adults-only wedding invitation wording.

Choose Your Wording Carefully

When it comes to wedding invitation wording, every word counts. It’s important to choose your words carefully, as they will set the tone for your entire event. If you’re hosting an adults-only wedding, you might want to consider using phrases such as “adult reception” or “adult celebration.” This will make it clear that children are not invited to your special day. Additionally, you might want to avoid using phrases such as “no children” or “child-free” as these can come across as cold and unwelcoming.

Include a Request for Understanding

While it’s important to be clear and direct when wording your invitation, it’s also important to be mindful of your guests’ feelings. After all, some of your guests may have children and will be disappointed that they won’t be able to attend your wedding. To make sure that your guests understand your decision to host an adults-only wedding, consider adding a line to your invitation that politely requests understanding. A phrase such as “We kindly request your understanding in our decision to host an adults-only event” can go a long way towards helping your guests feel respected and appreciated.

Consider Offering Alternatives

If you’d like to go the extra mile in making your guests feel welcome, consider offering alternatives for those who cannot attend your wedding due to the adults-only policy. For example, you might consider offering to have a family member or friend look after their children during the ceremony and reception so they can still attend your wedding. Alternately, you could offer to have a family member or friend watch their children while they attend the reception, or provide a babysitting service for the evening.

Include a Note of Appreciation

It’s always nice to show your guests that you appreciate them, and an adults-only wedding invitation is no exception. Consider including a short note of appreciation in your invitation to let your guests know how much you value their presence. A simple phrase such as “We look forward to celebrating with you” or “We’re so excited to have you join us” can go a long way towards making your guests feel included and appreciated.

Be Clear and Direct

It’s important to be clear and direct when wording your invitation. Make sure that your guests understand that your wedding is an adults-only event, and avoid using vague or confusing language. Additionally, consider using a font size and style that is easy to read, as this will make it easier for your guests to understand the invitation.

Include a RSVP Date

Finally, make sure to include an RSVP date in your invitation. This will ensure that your guests are aware of when they need to respond and can help you plan accordingly. Additionally, it’s a good idea to include a contact number or email address in case your guests have any questions or concerns about the invitation.

In Conclusion

Wedding invitations can be tricky to word, especially for adults-only events. It’s important to choose your words carefully and be mindful of your guests’ feelings. Additionally, consider offering alternatives to those who cannot attend your wedding due to the adults-only policy, and include a note of appreciation to let your guests know how much you value their presence. Finally, make sure to include an RSVP date and contact information in case your guests have any questions or concerns. With these tips, you’ll be sure to create the perfect adults-only wedding invitation wording.